
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pro Article Review - "They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets"

       In "They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets," Natasha Singer describes how colleges and universities can and will look at your personal tweets and other social media posts. Sometimes, bad posts can really hurt your application. Some students have been denied their applications to colleges and universities because of social media accounts and posts. Students think admissions officers are old and won't think to check your social media accounts. The truth is that they really are young and tech-savvy, and the first they will do is check your social media accounts.
       I did not realize colleges kept track of social media accounts of their applicants. Even though I knew there was no such thing as privacy if you have a social media, I didn't know colleges would actually check them. I also didn't realize employers would either. These things came as a surprise to me. Colleges actually have rejected applicants because of social media posts. Even if they did check social media accounts, I wouldn't think they would actually turn people down for them.
       It really confuses me how more and more colleges are checking social media accounts. Even though social media is very popular right now, why would so many colleges care about them. I also didn't know how college applicants have deleted social media accounts and posts so colleges wouldn't be able to check them. I think these people would be pretty smart to know to do that without much warning beforehand.
       Even though some of this information surprise me, it doesn't really affect my thinking of social media. I knew that as soon as signed up for any social media accounts that my life wouldn't be as private. I already know that anything I post on Facebook or Twitter can be taken by someone else and I shouldn't post anything I wouldn't want to say in person, online.

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