
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Cheese Chase

       The project was pretty small, with just two actors and 1 cameraman (or camerawoman I suppose). It spanned most of the west side of the school. We only used one iPad camera on a tripod. (Special thanks to everyone who was walking by and saw two random freshmen chasing each other down a hallway).
       I was gone the first two days of this project, during pre-production. However my partner did the storyboarding off of the Diary of A Wimpy Kid book, and we changed some of the scenes during production. We had to redo a lot of shots because of teachers telling us that we shouldn't run in the hallway (Lol). There were a few jump-cuts because of bad editing (by me) and not doing the shots like we should've. I had to cut out a lot of the beginning, where there was a conversation, but I should've kept some of the video instead of just deleting the audio. Other than those errors, I think it was pretty cool, especially with the security camera effect.
       After doing this, I think it'd be a good idea to show up for all of the pre-production. Planning where the scenes would be beforehand is a really good idea, which I didn't do (maybe has something to with attendance during pre-production, I don't know...).
       I think one of the things I would definitely do differently was do all the filming in one day, or have the actors wear the same clothing. Another good thing to do would to make sure there were no jump-cuts. Some camera angles weren't the best either. Sometimes I think I sped up the video too much.
       I really liked the fast-pace shots and fast-paced music. I also liked how the environment changed a lot. One of the best things was probably the people in the background because they all jump out of the way and the chase starts to look more realistic. 
       This is a chase sequence that is supposed to be like an action film. There are many things that could be made better, like color correction, but I didn't have time. Overall I think the video was pretty cool. I probably should've kept some of the conversation at the beginning, I just turned down the volume. Oh well. It was really fun, and I was an actor in it, which was pretty cool. (People were hurt in the making of this film [but not seriously]).

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