
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My Website

       I created a website for the final project of this quarter. I created it using DreamWeaver, and it is an offline website. It features my favorite projects from each quarter, and it also has my elevator pitch and bio. It has a working link between the home page and the project page. It was a pretty cool thing to make. I've had a lot of fun with graphic design this quarter, and hope to have lots of fun in animation next quarter. I'll see you after winter break!!!!!

Elevator Speech

Here is my elevator speech/pitch. It is about 160 words and takes about 40 seconds to read.
Elevator Speech

Hello, I am Randon. I am currently an e-Comm student at Olathe Northwest High School. In this program, I am learning to do graphic design, video production, animation, and web design. You can normally find me working on my laptop or solving Rubik’s cubes. I work with computers all the time, and especially with the Adobe Suite. I learn fast, so any program I am given to work with I can figure out pretty fast. I am hoping to expand my knowledge in all things tech. I want to take new trends and styles to make fresh products. I would like to add to my experience. If you have an opportunity for me to learn, you can find me at **************@. I really hope to get in contact with you!

How To Tutorial

In this project, I learned how to make the Volkswagen logo, using a lot of different gradient tools and vector mapping. It took a really long time, but I think it turned out pretty good. It may not look exactly like the Volkswagen logo, but I think it's pretty close:

Photoshop Blog Post

In the first project, I figured out how to crop images, resize images, change the color of certain sections of an image, and make images transparent. I also learned how to change text, and make it have different spacing between the letters. I learned how to jump layers and change the arrangement of layers. Here, you can see the big, transparent ONW and Olathe Northwest compass centered in the image of the front of the school.

In this second project, I learned how to change different sections of an image and change their color. The butterfly was just orange and black at first, and I changed the colors to be all different. You can also see the wings look like they are flapping, which is made using a tool that basically copies and pastes the end of an image and I just changed the transparency each time to get lighter and lighter.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

My Logo

It took me a really long time to create my logo, but I finally finished. I chose a square design, or rather a cube design, to show stability and structure. I also chose to use blue in my logo, because blue can show calmness, security, and at the same time, it can encourage a feeling of creativity. Here is the process of the design of the logo:

And the finished project.

Meyers-Brigg Personality Test

       I took the Meyers-Brigg personality test. This test basically determines who you are; what your personality is like. It's the determiner for if you really are an extrovert or introvert. There are four categories, and there are lots of sites dedicated to different types of personalities. Being an INFJ (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging) is the least common type, and slightly different, the ISFJ (Sensing instead of Intuitive) is the most common personality type. I am an ISTJ. Intuitive, sensing, thinking, and judging. What this means is that I am an analytical, organized, concrete person. Some famous ISTJ's are George Washington and Matt Damon. Below you can find out more about ISTJ's.

My Font

       This is the font for my font personality. It is Perpetua Titling MT. This picture shows the different characteristics of font types. Since this font does not have any lower case letters, I created another one with my last name using PT Sans:
What the Perpetua Titling MT Font says about me:This Basically Says I'm Rational, Understated, Traditional, and Disciplined.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Color Psychology | Color Wheel

       This is the color wheel I made. It uses the colors on the regular color wheel, but with slight transparency and the shapes are put in a specific pattern using Adobe Illustrator. The definition of color is "the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light." But color is so much more than that. Color can give you emotions and feelings you have never felt before, like red emanates love. Multiple colors can combine to give you a dynamic way of looking at things, whether it be contrasting colors, that stand out, or conforming colors that work together to show unity.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

What is Graphic Design?

       Graphic Design is lots of things. G r a p h i c Design communicates a message. Graphic Design makes you feel emotion, it moves you. Graphic Design is a language for living. When doing Graphic Design, you must think like a consumer. Graphic Design is used to express yourself, but it doesn't have to be beautiful; it can quirky, awkward, funny, relaxing, etc. But Graphic Design must have a purpose. Graphic Design is creating a moment, where you instantly understand what the image is saying. Graphic Design is doing what you think is right, first, and foremost.

Graphic Design is the passageway to a person's emotion.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pro Article Review - "They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets"

       In "They loved your GPA, then they saw your Tweets," Natasha Singer describes how colleges and universities can and will look at your personal tweets and other social media posts. Sometimes, bad posts can really hurt your application. Some students have been denied their applications to colleges and universities because of social media accounts and posts. Students think admissions officers are old and won't think to check your social media accounts. The truth is that they really are young and tech-savvy, and the first they will do is check your social media accounts.
       I did not realize colleges kept track of social media accounts of their applicants. Even though I knew there was no such thing as privacy if you have a social media, I didn't know colleges would actually check them. I also didn't realize employers would either. These things came as a surprise to me. Colleges actually have rejected applicants because of social media posts. Even if they did check social media accounts, I wouldn't think they would actually turn people down for them.
       It really confuses me how more and more colleges are checking social media accounts. Even though social media is very popular right now, why would so many colleges care about them. I also didn't know how college applicants have deleted social media accounts and posts so colleges wouldn't be able to check them. I think these people would be pretty smart to know to do that without much warning beforehand.
       Even though some of this information surprise me, it doesn't really affect my thinking of social media. I knew that as soon as signed up for any social media accounts that my life wouldn't be as private. I already know that anything I post on Facebook or Twitter can be taken by someone else and I shouldn't post anything I wouldn't want to say in person, online.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Cheese Chase

       The project was pretty small, with just two actors and 1 cameraman (or camerawoman I suppose). It spanned most of the west side of the school. We only used one iPad camera on a tripod. (Special thanks to everyone who was walking by and saw two random freshmen chasing each other down a hallway).
       I was gone the first two days of this project, during pre-production. However my partner did the storyboarding off of the Diary of A Wimpy Kid book, and we changed some of the scenes during production. We had to redo a lot of shots because of teachers telling us that we shouldn't run in the hallway (Lol). There were a few jump-cuts because of bad editing (by me) and not doing the shots like we should've. I had to cut out a lot of the beginning, where there was a conversation, but I should've kept some of the video instead of just deleting the audio. Other than those errors, I think it was pretty cool, especially with the security camera effect.
       After doing this, I think it'd be a good idea to show up for all of the pre-production. Planning where the scenes would be beforehand is a really good idea, which I didn't do (maybe has something to with attendance during pre-production, I don't know...).
       I think one of the things I would definitely do differently was do all the filming in one day, or have the actors wear the same clothing. Another good thing to do would to make sure there were no jump-cuts. Some camera angles weren't the best either. Sometimes I think I sped up the video too much.
       I really liked the fast-pace shots and fast-paced music. I also liked how the environment changed a lot. One of the best things was probably the people in the background because they all jump out of the way and the chase starts to look more realistic. 
       This is a chase sequence that is supposed to be like an action film. There are many things that could be made better, like color correction, but I didn't have time. Overall I think the video was pretty cool. I probably should've kept some of the conversation at the beginning, I just turned down the volume. Oh well. It was really fun, and I was an actor in it, which was pretty cool. (People were hurt in the making of this film [but not seriously]).

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Randon Foldhazi | e9 commercial

This is my video made to exhibit the e9 strands to show incoming eighth graders what e9 is all about. I used the SWAP technique, which makes the video seem better composed. SWAP stands for synchronized words and pictures. I also used cross dissolve and color panels to fade-in and fade-out the video. The song playing in the background is "See You Again" by Whiz Khalifa. This was edited in Final Cut Pro X.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Foldhazi | e9 Printing Project

This is my first video for e9. As you can see, I added slow motion effects and cross dissolve with engaging music to create an excellent film. It follows the 180-degree rule and the Rule of Thirds. This has got to be one of the best videos on how to print, ever.

Friday, August 21, 2015

The 6-Shot System | Everything You Need to Know

When learning how to take good videos, there are many different styles of shots you can take. This tutorial will show you one of the best systems for a video, the 6-Shot System. The 6-Shot System is widely used in video journalism. Below you will see all six types of different shots, and how they can be used to illustrate the point of your video.

Close-Up of the Hands

This shows the viewer what the person is doing. It will give the viewer an idea of what's happening at that point the storyline.

Close-Up of the Face

This is also a close-up, except of the face. It lets the viewer see what the person is feeling, and what that person looks like.

Over the Shoulder Shot (OTS)

The OTS Shot gives the viewer an even better idea of the subject's action. It also connects the hands and face together.

Medium Shot

Medium shots give more physical attributes of the subject, and the viewer starts to learn more about the setting of the story.

Wide Shot

The Wide Shot let's the viewer see more of the setting and should be head-to-toe. it is mainly used for letting the viewer see all the action together.

Extra Wide Shot

Using an extra wide shot is only considered to be used once or twice in a short video. It really establishes the setting and surroundings of the video for the viewer.