
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Name Animation

       This is an animation of my name. It looks like it is being written out. At the beginning, it is blank, and then all of the letters are written and it pauses. Then, some cool effects are added at the end. The effects I added at the end are stroke, bevel, and color adjustment. In order to animate this, I erased a little part of a letter, then duplicated the frame. I did this over and over again until it was blank, and did it backwards so I can reverse it in the animation.

       The animation is a Frame animation. After all of the layers were finished, I used the animation menu  to create frames from layers. Then, with the same menu, I reversed the frames. I deleted some of the frames that were blank, and then I had part of the animation done. I duplicated the last frame, with all of my name on it, and added the effects I wanted to the text. Then, I tweened  the last two layers, making 15 layers in between those two, and it created the last part of that animation.

       My e9 class is going really well. I'm getting a lot of work done, and am learning a lot of new things. I can't wait for next year, but I don't know what two areas of e-Comm I want to go in. I don't really want to do animation. I want to do all of the other three strands of e-Comm though. I really like making professional videos, and I really like making web sites. At the same time I like making cool graphics. I believe all the strands of e-Comm would be very beneficial to me, so I can't really decide.

Monday, January 25, 2016

10 Words Animation

An animation of 10 words that describe me, with a Rubik's Cube in the background. With this animation, I learned how to make a video frame animation instead of the gif in PhotoShop. For the text, I used colors that were in the image, like red, yellow, green, and black. I also put a stroke on each of the words to make them stand out more. The background image has different saturation, hue, and shadow levels to make the cube stand out more than the original image. The video frame animation is different than the frame by frame animation because the computer does the animation for you. You input where you want something to start and end at, and then the computer figures out what it need to do for each frame of the animation, while in frame by frame animation you have to put each frame in yourself.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Arch Animation

This is my second animation. I learned about how arches work in animation. The object has to bounce after first hitting the ground, but can only bounce so high because of gravity. The curve of the arch can be different depending on how powerful the initial leap was, but it will eventually stop bouncing because of gravity. This animation shows a bouncing face that is happy while in the air, but is sad while it is squashed and on the ground (my name). My name also squashes because of the impact of the face.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Bounce Animation

This was my first animation. I learned how to animate in PhotoShop, and also the Squash and Stretch animation technique. As you can see, the ball stretches while speeding up in the air, and the ball squashes as it hits the ground. I probably used too many frames for the animation, because it looks really slow.